Microsoft Windows 10 Logo

Your Windows account password may be a local user account password or the same password as your Microsoft account. Whichever you're using, you can modify it from the Settings app and sign in with a different password.

Y'all can also change your countersign through Microsoft's website (if it'southward a Microsoft account) or change a forgotten password from the sign-in screen.

Change Your Password from the Settings App

You can change your password from the Settings app, whether it'southward a local password or a Microsoft business relationship password. Click the Start push and select the "gear" icon shown forth the First menu's left edge. This opens the Settings app.

Open Settings App on Start Menu

Alternatively, click the gear icon on the taskbar if you previously pinned the Settings app.

With the Settings app opens, select the "Accounts" tile.

Select Accounts in Windows 10 Settings

The app opens to "Your Info" by default. Click on "Sign-In Options" on the left followed by the "Password" entry listed nether "Sign-In Options" on the right. The Password entry expands to include a "Alter" push button that yous click to continue.

Select Passwords in Windows 10 Settings

Follow the steps to verify your identity, such as looking at a face recognition camera, swiping a finger, or entering a PIN or password. One time yous're verified, enter the current countersign followed by a new password.

Click the "Next" button to finish.

Change Password Dialog Box Windows 10

Change Your Microsoft Account Password Online

The Sign-in Options windows (Settings > Accounts > Sign-In Options) in the Settings app provides a "Alter Your Microsoft Account Password" link. It essentially sends you to Bing, which provides instructions on how to change your password online.

Change Password Link Windows 10

Starting time, sign in to your Microsoft account on the company's website using the current countersign. Once the site loads, click the "Security" option listed along the pinnacle. You'll see a "Change Password" pick on the post-obit page and a "Alter" link.

Change Password Microsoft Account Online

Click that link to enter your current password followed by the new password (twice). To finish, click the "Save" push button.

Change Your Password Confirm Windows Account

Modify Your Password from the Sign-in Screen

This method begins only after y'all failed to sign in using a forgotten password. Once you hit the Enter key and submit the wrong countersign, a "Reset Password" link appears nether the password entry field. Click the link.

Offline Account Reset Password

Windows will inquire you lot to ostend your identity. If you're using a Microsoft account, you lot may accept to provide a code sent to a phone number associated with your account. If you've prepare security questions for a local account, you'll have to answer those questions.

Offline Account Security Questions

After providing the information, click the pointer button to create and and then confirm your new countersign.

Offline Account Create Confirm Password

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